Marketing that works!

Stay on top of your competitors with Coldwell Banker's Exclusive Marketing! Through Listing Concierge


Professional Photography

Includes 36 professional photos perfect for print and online to make your listing look its very best. 

Contact Previews First for More Information

Home Spotter Boost

Targeted Online Advertising

Geographic targeting technology markets your property directly to local buyers online and on social media. 

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Silver Envelope

Silver Envelope Announcement

Stunning, trifold property announcements direct mailed to your neighborhood in silver envelopes that get noticed. 



WSJ & Mansion Global Feature

$1M+ listings can be featured at the top of the search results for the geographic area of the listing for 30 days.

See an example of what it looks like!


Propety Brochures

Beautiful, professionally printed property brochures to showcase your home.



Just Listed eFlyer

"Just Listed" announcement eBlast sent to an exclusive list of personal and professional contacts through your Prospect Square account. 

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Single -Property Website

Professionally designed property website that is viewable on all devices and easily shared via social media.



YouTube Advertising

Leveraging the mass audience and highly targeted capbilities of YouTube, the second most visited website online*. Your Property will receive optimal views as an optimal ad. 

See the Latest Produced Video

Mobile Brochure

Exclusive yard sign panel with CB Mobile Brochure technology that delivers your home's unique details and photos to consumers. 

Check out what else you can do with DotSignal, like accessing your personal DEMO CODE to share at your next Listing Presentation! 

Area REALTOR Notification

Agents at local real estate companies in your area will be notified that your home has come on the market. 


Seller Update

Detailed report outlining everything that has been done to bring your seller's home to market and maximize exposure.


What Does it Cost?